Neighbourhood Plan

Ponsanooth Parish Council is in the process of drawing up a Neighbourhood Development Plan for its area through a Steering Group. 

Neighbourhood Plan News - May 2024

April 2024
Ponsanooth Post April 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [852.8 KB]
The NDP Steering Group meet regularly and you can see the minutes and agendas for these meetings in the links on this page.  The meetings usually take place at 7pm in the Hall cafe.  Starting from 11th June the Group will be hosting a monthly public session where members of the public may attend the meeting and put forward any comments or questions about the NDP process to the Group.  Each public session will run for 30 minutes at 7pm.  If you would like a written response to any comments please leave your contact details with the Group or the Parish Council clerk (see contact details on these webpages)
Neighbourhood Development Plan Survey Information - please see links on the left hand side of the screen for links to Surveys and Reports that are being used in the evidence base to prepare the NDP
As further reports are completed and agreed they will be added onto these webpages
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The Neighbourhood plan news - June 2019

FINAL St Gluvias NDP news.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

The Neighbourhood Plan area covers the Parish of Ponsanooth

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