News and public notices



A Vacancy exists for a Councillor to serve on Ponsanooth PARISH COUNCIL for a period ending May 2025.  Persons interested in serving should submit an application, in writing, together with the signatures of two persons willing to act as a proposer and seconder, to the Clerk to the Council at the address shown below to arrive not later than 5th July 2024


Qualifications for Candidates:-


 Persons eligible for consideration must be ages 18 years or over and:

  1. be registered as a local government elector for the parish;
  2. has during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land or premises in the parish;
  3. his/her principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish;
  4. had during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km thereof.

The vacancy will be filled by co-option at the meeting to be held on the 8th July 2024


Clerk to the Council M. Gosling


M Ferris

CHAIRMAN - Councillor Mrs Marilyn Ferris

20th June 2024


Are you are interested in how your Parish is looked after and how it develops?  Could you work as part of a team? Are you able to take part in meetings?  Can you make sound judgements based on what is best for the community? Would you be willing to abide by majority decisions?  Why not apply for co-option?


The positions are voluntary and will take up as much time as you are prepared to give. The minimum commitment is at least to attend the monthly Parish Council meeting normally held on a Monday evening. Councillors represent the views and concerns of the residents of the Parish to the Parish Council and, through it, to Cornwall Council.  Still interested?

please get in touch with the Clerk, Mary Gosling, or 07907842937




Exciting tender opportunity

Ponsanooth Parish Council is inviting tenders for the following contract:


Ponsanooth playing field path. The closing date for tender submissions is the 8th February 2024





For Commons Lane Ponsanooth

(details subject to weather)



From Wednesday 6th until Friday 8th December 2023




8am – 5pm



Scrape surface

Collect road planings with digger and lorry from kennall

Take back to commons lane and spread on lane to correct level’s.

Compact with roller.




Not the Ponsanooth Post - November 2023

not the Ponsanooth Post

Nov 8, 2023

The owner of this blog did not allow comments.



Annual Parish Meeting of Electors


To be held at Ponsanooth Hall Cafe


 On Monday 22nd May 2023


6:45pm for a 7:00pm start


Come along and hear about the groups and organisations we have in the parish, meet other parishioners, and maybe join a new group or club, even volunteer with a parish organisation.  


We invite all members of the Parish, Parish Groups and organisations to attend.  If you would like your organisation to be represented, please contact the Clerk.  If you think you can attend it would be great to know so we get the refreshments just right.

Phone and WhatsApp 07907842937


Refreshments available


An overview of income and expenditure 2022-23 for Ponsanooth Parish Council


For further details please check on the budget and finance sections of this website.



Ponsanooth Parish Council Spending 2022-23


Ponsanooth Parish Council Where the money comes from 2022-23




Ponsanooth Wellbeing Hub


Supporter by Ponsanooth Parish Council


Redruth Rotary Grant and Kennall Vale School

Earlier this year Ponsonooth Parish Council awarded a grant of £92 towards supplying safeguarding books called “Watch Out!” to all of the Key Stage 2 pupils in the schools within the area. 

Thanks  was given to Ponsanooth Parish Council and other monies raised by Redruth Rotary. They have also delivered the books to all of the pupils entering Key Stage 2 as the Year 3 intake in September 2021. 

The Year 6 pupils from last year have of course moved on to Year 7 and taken their books with them. 

In Addition they have supplied a copy of the accompanying game called “Mistakes and Ladders” which complements the book, to every class within Key Stage 2. 

Redruth Rotary would like to thank the Parish Council for their generosity and their faith in us to deliver this very worthwhile learning aid. 

November 2021

Ponsanooth Parish Council have received notifcation of Ponsanooth highways improvment scheme.  Please see the notice below for details.


Ponsanooth highway improvement scheme - [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [650.0 KB]

Notice of Poll

Cornwall Councillor
Adobe Acrobat document [66.5 KB]
Police and Crime Commissioner
Adobe Acrobat document [25.1 KB]

Statement of persons nominated


Election of a Councillor Mylor, Perranarworthal and Ponsanooth - Click here


Elections for Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioners - click here


Return of uncontested elections


Election of Parish Councillors - click here (Ponsanooth on Page 127)




The Annual St Gluvias Parish Meeting of Electors


Will be held on the virtual meeting platform ZOOM


 On Monday 26th April 2021


6.15pm for a prompt 6:30pm start


The virtual meetings page on the Parish Council Website has the link for the meeting.


Come along and hear about the groups and organisations we have in the parish, meet other parishioners and maybe join a new group or club, even volunteer with a parish organisation.  



We invite all members of the parish, parish groups and organisations to attend.  If you would like your organisation to be represented, please contact the Clerk.

Notice of Election Town and Parish Councillors
Notice of Election_TP_West_2021_Final.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [81.6 KB]
Notice of Election for Cornwall Council
Notice of Election _CC_2021_Final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [60.7 KB]
Notice of Election for Police and Crime Commisioner Devon and Cornwall Police Area
A3 PCC-Notice-of-election 2021_web.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [205.7 KB]

15th December 2020

Statement from Devon and Cornwall Police: Kennall Vale Woods parking problems


The Police are aware that this year has been particularly bad in relation to the parking problems both on Cot Hill and Kennall Park.

Parking on Cot Hill itself would not constitute a parking offence as long as the cars are not blocking the road.  The Police are aware from social media that parking has been unacceptable at times and has completely blocked the road.  In these incidents the advice would be to report this matter to Police through 101.  Depending on the circumstances it could not warrant a 999 call.


The options available to the Police would be to conduct a Registered Keeper check and see the owner of the vehicle can be located.  If there is a significant obstruction to the highway (and the owner cannot be located) Police can consider arranging for the vehicle to be recovered (if proportionate). In these circumstances however, it is likely that by the time the Recovery Agent arrived the owner would have returned from their walk.  Should this be the case then Police can look at enforcing a Fixed Penalty Notice for obstructing the highway.  This is an option, but quite often in these cases people have not parked with any malice, they are just genuinely oblivious of the impact of their parking.  A lot of the time this will  result in education and words of advice being passed to the driver.  The decision on whether the driver is issued a Fixed Penalty is down to the discretion of the attending Officer, weighing up the circumstances as they are presented.


Police are not responsible for the implementation of Parking Restrictions on Cot Hill, but placing restrictions here is likely to increase the impact of the 2nd issue, and that is parking on Kennall Park.  The Police are aware that Kennall Park gets heavily congested with cars parking anywhere they can and that there have been issues with cars blocking residents driveways etc.  Social Media has also shown vehicles encroaching over people’s driveways, making it difficult to get out but not impossible.  Where a driveway is completely blocked then this matter can be reported to the Police (through 101) who would be able to make enquiries and take any actions that were reasonable and proportionate at the time.


The Police completely understand the frustrations of residents not being able to park outside their own house, but there is no given right to a dedicated ‘on road parking’ space for residents.  Therefore anyone visiting is able to park on Kennall Park (so long as they are not obstructing the highway).  Kennall Park is not unique to this issue and Police receive reports of these issues across most local Policing areas.

The Police are aware that there have been consultations with CWT, Stithians Parish Council, Highways / Cormac. From a Policing perspective we would fully support incentives that ease the parking issues within the village and would be happy to be involved in any consultation process where appropriate


24th November 2020

Statement from Parish Council: Kennall Vale Woods parking problems


The problem of car parking in the area around Kennall Vale Woods has been a long standing concern for the Parish Council.  In November 2019 the Council held a parking consultation with residents, to collect views and put forward possible solutions to parking problems in this area and other parts of Ponsanooth.  While we are aware that parking problems elsewhere in the village arise from lack of both road space and on-drive parking, the issues on Cot Hill at Kennall Vale Woods are different and arise from visitor pressures.  Put simply, the more that visitors arrive at the Woods the greater the parking pressure is.  Recent efforts to restrict parking on Cot Hill at the entrance to the Woods has simply displaced the problem to other nearby streets in the Village such as Park Road, Kenall Vale and Cot Wood.


This year has been particularly challenging due to an increase in visitors to the Woods and other visitor attractions and destinations becoming unavailable.  We are  aware of websites promoting the beauty of the Woods for visitors.  It has been said that the Woods should simply be closed for a period of time to provide a deterrent effect, however the Parish Council believes this is just a sticking plaster solution and does not offer any long term solutions.  The Woods are highly cherished locally, and provide an important recreational resource for residents of Ponsanooth, whose residents already fare less well off than our neighbouring Parishes in terms of access to the countryside through a network of rights of way.  When compared to neighbouring Parishes we have far fewer paths and trails.  Ensuring there is access to the outdoors is even more important for people's well being during 'lockdown' events.  It is not easy to enforce a system where the woods are closed to visitors arriving by car but available to Ponsanooth residents.


While the problem of parking is entirely experienced in Ponsanooth, it should be remembered that the Kennall Vale Woods is located in Stithians Parish Council area (the Woods' entrance roughly demarking the Parish boundaries).  Over the last 18 months we have written to Cornwall Council in response to their Boundary Review consultation, to seek changes to the boundaries of the parish councils so that the Woods would be located within our Parish, meaning that from a local council service perspective it would become more effective if the problem and the solution lie within the same Parish.  However despite our pleas Stithians Parish have rejected any alterations to the boundary, meaning that Cornwall Council have deferred making a decision on this request until next year at the earliest.


So, set against the above challenges in July this year the Council resolved to take a more proactive role in the issue, and a number of actions have been identified and are now being worked on:


  • Engage with adjacent landowners into the possibility of delivering a adjacent car park and entrance into the Woods;
  • Make investigations with the police and Cornwall Council on local parking restrictions on the local approach roads; 
  • Investigate the possibility of delivering short term 'emergency' visitor parking on suitable spaces in the Village, with directional signage when necessary;
  • Continue close working with the CWT to raise awareness and make informed local decisions on closure or information provision wherever necessary;
  • Raise awareness of the pressures of increased visitor numbers in the woods to Stithians Parish Council and other public bodies including our local MP;
  • Report progress back to the public on a regular basis through Parish Council meetings and on our website.


The Council believes that the delivery of a car park would provide a permanent solution to parking pressures, however this is likely in itself to give rise to a number of further challenges, such as securing access to land, then working up designs, as well as finding the cost (and maintenance) of the car park, and in all likelihood will not be delivered in the very short term.  Nevertheless the Council believes that by working closely with all concerned it is likely to identify both short term and longer term solutions to the problem.    In the meantime please continue to forward any thoughts or concerns regarding this issue to us so we can continue to build up an effective case for change.


11th November 2020

Kennall Vale Nature Reserve

Recently parking and littering near and around the village of Ponsanooth has been an issue due to influx of visitors to the Cornwall Wildlife Trusts nature reserve at Kennall Vale.  The issue is recurring and problems increasing and the Council are aware of this.  Cornwall Wildlife Trust are currently working closely with St Gluvias Parish Council, Stithians Parish Council and neighbouring land owners to create an action plan to improve the problems. 


Please report any concerns in the mean time, this will help highlight the extent of the problem. 


If you have any problems reporting here please contact the Clerk


Need help deciding if it is a police matter? check this document.[...]
Microsoft Word document [27.0 KB]
Surface Dressing factsheet
Surface dressing fact sheet CC.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [169.9 KB]

Consulation from CORMAC solutions for proposal of pedestrian crossing facilities at Ponsanooth

Please see the two attachments below.

Please send in your comments or objections, specifying the grounds on which they are made, they should be addressed to: Engineering Design Group, CORMAC Consultancy, Radnor Road, Scorrier, Redruth, TR16 5EH.


To arrive no later than: 28/08/2020 Please quote reference EDG0913


Copies of the draft proposal and plans are available for inspection by appointment only at: CORMAC Reception, Radnor Road, Scorrier, TR16 5EH Please contact us on the details below to arrange an appointment.  Copies of the draft proposal and plans are available for inspection by appointment only at: CORMAC Reception, Radnor Road, Scorrier, TR16 5EH Please contact us on the details below to arrange an appointment

Respond online here 


Consultation for proposal from Cormac consultancy on behalf of Cornwall Council for Pedestrian Crossing facilities at Ponsanooth
Adobe Acrobat document [362.1 KB]
Consultation for proposal from Cormac consultancy on behalf of Cornwall Council for Pedestrian Crossing facilities at Ponsanooth
Adobe Acrobat document [395.1 KB]
Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return
Adobe Acrobat document [135.3 KB]

Update and recent Parish Events.

9th July 2020

Kennall Vale Nature Reserve

Recently parking and littering near and around the village of Ponsanooth has been an issue due to influx of visitors to the Cornwall Wildlife Trusts nature reserve at Kennall Vale.  The issue is recurring and the Council are aware of this.  Cornwall Wildlife Trust are currently working closely with St Gluvias Parish Council, Stithians Parish Council and neighbouring land owners to create an action plan to improve the problems. 


Please report any concerns in the mean time, this will help highlight the extent of the problem.  I you have any problems reporting here please contact the Clerk


Thank you to St Gluvias Parish Volunteers
This is a letter received from the Community network panel for Falmouth and Penryn area, thanking the volunteers in the community.
Volunteer thank you letter - FP CNA Memb[...]
Microsoft Word document [259.3 KB]

Update on Ponsanooth Pedestrian Crossing and Road Upgrade

4th June 2020


St Gluvias Parish Council have received an update from the Transport and Infrastructure department in Cornwall Council regarding the crossing and road upgrade.


Reveiwed designs are due to be drafted and consulation stage by July. .All being well public consultation for the new crossing will be undertaken in July ( Subject to receiving approvals to proceed, should COVID restrictions still be in place.)


The upgrade will include the installation of the vehicle activated speed cameras which have been funded by the Falmouth and Penryn Commnuity Network Panel.

Coronovirus update
Coronavirus update 26th March 2020
Please download and share the documents below as needed.
updated 26th March 2020 Coronavirus - What to do if you are at risk
St Gluvias Parish Council Response to Co[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [144.3 KB]
St Gluvias Parish Council - organisation team
St Gluvias Parish Council Response to Co[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [102.5 KB]
St Gluvias Parish Council -Response to the Coronavirus.
St Gluvias Parish Council Response to Co[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [123.0 KB]
Coronovirus - 5 things you can do to protect yourself and your community.
Please share or print this document as needed, especially to more vulnerable members of the community who may not have access to the notice boards or the internet.
CoronaVirus guidance - 5 Things.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [243.3 KB]
St Gluvias Parish Council currently has two vacancies for Councillors.
Are you are interested in how your Parish is looked after and how it develops? Could you work as part of a team? Are you able to take part in meetings? Can you make sound judgements based on what is best for the community? Would you be willing to abide by majority decisions?
Why not apply for co-option?
The positions are voluntary and will take up as much time as you are prepared to give. The minimum commitment is at least to attend the monthly Parish Council meeting normally held on a Monday evening. Councillors represent the views and concerns of the residents of the Parish to the Parish Council and, through it, to Cornwall Council.
Still interested? please get in touch with the Clerk, Mary Gosling, or 07907842937 for more information.




Two vacancies still exist for Councillors to serve on ST GLUVIAS PARISH COUNCIL for a period ending May 2021.  Persons interested in serving should submit an application, in writing, together with the signatures of two persons willing to act as a proposer and seconder, to the Clerk to the Council at the address shown below to arrive not later than 31st December 2019.


Qualifications for Candidates:-


 Persons eligible for consideration must be ages 18 years or over and:

  1. be registered as a local government elector for the parish;


  1. has during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land or premises in the parish;


  1. his/her principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish;


  1. had during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km thereof.


The vacancy will be filled by co-option at the meeting to be held on the 11th January 2019.

                                                                              M. Gosling                       

19th November 2019                           CLERK TO THE COUNCIL                                                                   

                                                            CHAIRMAN - Councillor Mrs Marilyn Ferris



Proposed highways proposal - Ponsanooth
As a consultee for the proposed highways scheme in Ponsanooth. We have received an update from the Transport and Infrastructure Department at Cornwall Council.
They are still in design stages due to budgeting constraints and are working with budgets, designs and utilities to ensure minimal disruption during the works.
We shall here in late February if resurfacing works will happen at the same time as the planned scheme and what the final planned scheme will be.
We have been told that all affected residents will be notified with letters for any further investigative works and of the planned works dates once known.



St Gluvias Parish Council currently has two vacancies for Councillors.
Are you are interested in how your Parish is looked after and how it develops? Could you work as part of a team? Are you able to take part in meetings? Can you make sound judgements based on what is best for the community? Would you be willing to abide by majority decisions?
Why not apply for co-option?
The positions are voluntary and will take up as much time as you are prepared to give. The minimum commitment is at least to attend the monthly Parish Council meeting normally held on a Monday evening. Councillors represent the views and concerns of the residents of the Parish to the Parish Council and, through it, to Cornwall Council.
Still interested? please get in touch with the Clerk, Mary Gosling, or 07907842937 for more information.




Two vacancies still exist for Councillors to serve on ST GLUVIAS PARISH COUNCIL for a period ending May 2021.  Persons interested in serving should submit an application, in writing, together with the signatures of two persons willing to act as a proposer and seconder, to the Clerk to the Council at the address shown below to arrive not later than 31st December 2019.


Qualifications for Candidates:-


 Persons eligible for consideration must be ages 18 years or over and:

  1. be registered as a local government elector for the parish;


  1. has during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land or premises in the parish;


  1. his/her principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish;


  1. had during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km thereof.


The vacancy will be filled by co-option at the meeting to be held on the 11th January 2019.

                                                                              M. Gosling                       

19th November 2019                           CLERK TO THE COUNCIL                                                                   

                                                            CHAIRMAN - Councillor Mrs Marilyn Ferris



The planning appeal for two houses on Trevonnen Road has been dismissed.
St Gluvias Parish Council welcomes this decision as it upholds the strongly held view that the green space is a much valued space in our community. Following this decision, the Parish Council now intends to safeguard the land as public open space for generations to come.


Community Governance Review stage 2
Please click here for information on the Community Governance Review stage 2 submissions from St Gluvias Parish Council and other local Parishes in the network. There is a public engagement event at 6.30pm on the 17th September 19.

Cornwall Community Governance Review public engagement meetings




FALMOUTH AREA – Parishes being focused on: Falmouth, Budock, Penryn, Mabe, St Gluvias, Mylor, Perranarworthal – in Falmouth & Penryn Community Network Area

Falmouth Town Council

The Old Post Office, The Moor, Falmouth. TR11 3QA


A393 Closure - 19th August 19
For information, Cormac will be working on various sections of the A393 during planned overnight road closures from Monday 19th August to Wednesday 21st August.
The dates and corresponding routine maintenance operations to be undertaken are as below
Monday 19th August 2019
A393 Sandy Lane Roundabout to Comford house
Gully emptying, flailing, and defect repairs
Closure from 19.00
Tuesday 20th August 2019
A393 Comford house to Pelean Cross
Gully emptying, flailing, and defect repairs
Closure from 19.00
Wednesday 21st August 2019
A393 Pelean Cross through Ponsanooth to Treluswell roundabout
Gully emptying, flailing, and defect repairs
Closure from 19.00
The official diversion route is as per the blue line shown on the attached “A393 Road Closure” document i.e: A39, A30, A390 and vice versa, please note the above table which details the sections of road which we will be working on per night and that will be “hard closed” i.e. manned road closures at each end physically preventing access. Local traffic will be able to access the sections of the A393 that we are not working on during the closure period.


St Gluvias Parish Council received notification of an appeal to planning application PA18/10275.
As stated at the meeting on the 13th May 19, minute number 103/19   "The area of land ........ is used as a valued piece of public open space."  The Parish Council continue their strong objection to the planning application and submitted a response to the Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/D0840/W/19/3229850 by the deadline of the 29th July 19 to demonstrate this.


Falmouth Police Connectivity Plan 2019


Take a look at the Police Connectivity Plan to find out more about Police work in the area.

Falmouth Connectivity Plan 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [173.5 KB]


Update on the proposed Pedestrian Island scheme for Ponsanooth, from the Transport and Infrastucture Team, Cornwall Council.


CORMAC has undertaken the additional trial holes required for the design of the scheme, but unfortunately, there is a delay, within the labs industry the official geotechnical report is expected back in around 3 weeks’ time.  Once received, the designers should be in a position to understand whether there needs to be a design review.


They will also be able to update us on the construction cost and programme, we are looking to combine this with the scheduled resurfacing scheme to minimise disruption and avoid duplication of traffic management costs.  Given the potential 3 week delay on the information and possible need to tweak the design, a meeting is due in the next 4 weeks with the Parish Council, date to be confirmed.


Regarding the widening of the footway,  we understand that this could provide an improvement for the community, however, the existing carriageway width in this area has vehicle tracking issues, and following the Road Safety Audit, it was necessary to re-align the carriageway. Due to the insufficient carriageway width, this is why, it would not be technically viable to undertake a footway widening properly.  With the new location of the bus shelter, this will provide a positive outcome, reducing the length of walk to where the existing shelter is sited.


European Parliamentary Elections 


Notices have been published on the European Parliamentary Elections page of the Cornwall Council website:





Ponsanooth Pedestrian Facilities - Update 


St Gluvias Parish Council as a client of Cornwall Council have been working closely with Cormac Solutions LTD during the consultation for EDG0913 Pedestrian refuge and bus shelter.

The Cornwall led consultation closed on the 21st December 2018

The next stages will be:

  • A 2nd Road safety Audit is due to take place at the end of March
  • investigative ground works are due to take place in early April

The consultation and the above will inform the structure and outcome of the scheme which are in final design stages.


If you have any questions about the scheme and design please contact Project Manager Adam O’Neil on 01872 327228 or adam.o'




The Neighbourhood development plan which was due to be held on the 5th February 19 is postponed.  A new date will be published very soon.


Penvose Farm student village and associated works Planning Application. 


Please refer to Cornwall Council's on line planning register to view and comment on this live application.  The register can be found in the link pasted here and please add the reference PA16/11983 at the search prompt

Ponsanooth bus shelter - October 2016

After weeks of negotiation with Cornwall Council, funding has been provided to pay for the materials to repair the roof of the shelter which this parish council will now take on responsibility for the future.  The repairs themeslves were carried out by our new councillor, Jonathan Kearsley.

Hedge cutting - October 2016

Please ensure that hedges bordering the highway are cut so that they do not overhang and cause the highway.  We are currently looking at problems throughout the parish.

Dog mess problem - October 2016

Dog mess is becoming an increasing problem in Ponsanooth.  Please ensure that you pick up after your dog.  There are fines that can be imposed on dog owners if they fail to do so.  Please help us to keep the village nice for everyone.

Laity Moor Fingerposts - September 2016

This project is now complete, having had recast fingers and repainting. 

Defibrillators - September 2016

The Parish Council has now purchased 2 defibrillators for the parish.  These are based at Treluswell Four Cross garage next to the air and water machines and outside the village shop in Ponsanooth on the wall bordering the road.  Thankyou to the owners at both these locations, Mr and Mrs Turner and Ms Firminger respectively, for their permission to site these on their property.  In the event of needing to use these devices, you would call the emergency services who would provide the access codes and talk you through using them.


Response letter to Situ8 - May 16
A letter has been sent to Situ8 regards the proposed housing development on the edge of Ponsanooth on Commercial Hill
Situ8 comments letter.doc
Microsoft Word document [38.0 KB]

Laity Moor Finger posts April 16

The finger posts at Laity Moor will be dismantled and taken away for restoration.  They will be returned to their place as soon as possible.

What to do if you spot a faulty drain - Mar 16

Contact our parish council clerk or raise the issue directly with Cornwall Council (phone 0300 1234 100)

Environment Agency Advice for landowners with watercourses - Oct 15

The following link provides advice for landowners

Drainage Action Plan - Apr 15
This gives an overview of what flooding and drains issues are being looked at
drain action plan.docx
Microsoft Word document [18.0 KB]

Volunteer Speed Watch group for Ponsanooth - Nov 14

This group of volunteers would be fully trained to monitor speeds in the village using speed cameras with the aim of identifying motorists that are speeding.  Anyone wishing to take part in this group should contact the clerk or let Ash Pearson know.  We need a minimum of 6 people to get started.

Meeting held with Cormac regards drains in St Gluvias parish - Nov 14
The attached document has notes from the meeting and subsequent actions/progress in red. Further follow up action will be detailed here when available.
Meeting with Viv Bidgood and Andy Hoskin[...]
Microsoft Word document [21.4 KB]

Traffic calming - Aug 14

Applications have now been made to Cornwall Council for traffice calming measures in Ponsanooth.  The requests include;

  • A flashing 30mph sign on the main road similar to those found in neighbouring villages.
  • An additional speed bump on St Andrews Terrace to help stop speeding around the corner.
  • A virtual pedestrian pavement (marked on the road) and a 20mph limit on Commercial Rd.

A zebra crossing is still desired for the future and a voluntary lollypop rota is being investigated.

Firefighter strikes - Aug 14

Cornwall Fire and Rescure Service advise us that - Firefighters are planning to go on strike at various times between the 9th and 16th August 2014.  In the event of fire, you should still get out, stay out and call 999 - you will get an emergency response.

Roskrow Barton Solar Project - Aug 14

An exhibition is to be held of plans for a solar aray on land at Roskrow Barton on Monday 8th September 2014 between 5pm and 7.30pm at Ponsanooth Hall.  Everybody is welcome.

Police alert regards a national scam - June 14

OP Fardel is Devon and Cornwall’s response to a professionally run national scam that is attempting to defraud people, many who are vulnerable due to age, out of thousands of pounds.  The offenders are tending to exhaust opportunities in one particular area of the country before moving onto another.  Within our force area Torbay has been targeted but within the past few days West Cornwall, in particularly Helston has been the focus where a number of victims have transferred money into the offenders back accounts.  Within the last 48 hours we’ve received reports of over £130000 being taken.


The MO is for the offenders to call the victims purporting to be a police officers from the MET and are investigating a crime relating to fraudulent activity on the victims bank account.  They then convince the victim to either transfer their savings into another bank account or they obtain their bank details allowing them to withdraw money.


The priority when dealing with these matters is to prevent loss, safeguard the most vulnerable members of our community and increase awareness at the earliest opportunity.


Please ensure the following initial actions are taken:

  • Ring 101 and inform the D+C Police
  • Dial 1471 from the victims landline – may reveal the caller’s number if the last call received was from the offender(s)
  • The priority is to prevent loss to the victim. ASAP establish if the victim has divulged bank detail/PIN numbers and contact banks with a view to cancelling the card/account and blocking transactions or any pending transactions. Assist with this if necessary.
  • Record details of the victim phone number and service provider (BT/SKY/Virgin etc)
  • Establish when the offender(s) called and ascertain the number and duration of calls. It is important that we try to establish the approximate start and end times of the call.
  • Ask victim for details of the caller - male/female, did they use a name/title, accent and, importantly, the MO. How did they pass details of the PIN number – verbally or did they key in their number?


Ponsanooth flooding - Feb 14

Following the tragic flooding of the Post Office and General Stores in Ponsanooth, the Parish Council are very pleased to see the opening of a temporary facility now in place and wish to covey thanks for the donated log cabin, to all the volunteers who have supported the shop, to Michelle for keeping things going and everyone else who has helped out in this challenging situation.


The parish council has attended meetings with Cornwall Councillor Michael Keogh, South West Water and Cornwall Council staff with regards to the drainage issues in Ponsanooth and it is with thanks that the roads have now been swept and the drains cleared.  CCTV observations have been made, in a number of drains, the findings of which will be posted on the Council website at a later date.

Lower Treluswell Flooding - Feb 14

Severe flooding also occurred in February in Lower Treluswell where 5 cottages were flooded.  The stream that used to supply water to the well which was used for beer making when the brewery was in existence, flooded the road.  Assistance was requested from Cornwall Council who sent Blue watch Falmouth Fire Brigade who started pumping water out and eventually got on top of this situation.


The parish council has been in contact with Cornwall Councillor Michael Keogh and Cornwall Council staff to look at how the situation can be avoided in the future.  Camera inspection of the pipes which take the stream to the Praze drainage system on the B3292 and into the Penryn river, is being carried out.  Further updates will be posted on this website at a later date, as soon as further information is known.

Ponsanooth Street Lighting - Sept 13

Due to the ever increasing costs of the street lighting in Ponsanooth, the Parish Council has made the decision to change suppliers for the electricity.  The move will mean the costs are approximately halved to an average £853 plus VAT per year.  The decision has also been made to change the lit times of thirty of the lights to come in line with one existing light in the parish, the cost for this change will be approximately £60 per light but the saving will recover this expenditure in about 2.5 years.

Tradtional sign post restoration - Aug 13

A traditional signpost in the  Lower Treluswell area that had become neglected, has been repainted and restored.

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